Svenska Bilar Stockholm Buys - Exchanges - Sells We will gladly take your car in exchange We offer home delivery throughout the country! We offer a 6 month warranty on all our cars. We offer financing via WASA KREDIT & SANTANDER, MY MONEY, SVEA, MONEY GO. We also accept card payments. Contact: 08 - 643 34 34 070-0092-052 -Adam 070-0092-053- Alex Adress: Rörvägen 62, 136 50 Haninge Instagram: Svenskabilarsthlm Opening hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00-18:00 Saturday - Sunday: 11:00 - 17:00 Telephone hours every day between 08:00 and 23:00 Always call before visiting to make sure the car is still there. It is also possible to book an appointment outside of our regular opening hours. Please call and make an appointment, If you buy a car from us and need home delivery, it can be arranged free of charge throughout the country.
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